Post by donaldo on Mar 15, 2007 17:16:15 GMT
hey you..... egg digitalTRAFFIC album release - egg recorded 2006. 5 electronica industrial soundtracks - 010101 - heavy rock on track loud and wild electronica industrial noise - represents the evolution of mankind and his toys (technology) dance - dancey track - unusual structure - cool vibe - represents having fun... empire - another heavy track - exotic n quixotic - lovely string sound n rock guitar overtone - represents mankinds desire for power and control of all things on this planet and beyond. energy - energetic electronica track - again an unusual mix and structure " There is a distinct beautiful classical influence on this.It brought to mind A hologram in the middle of a future living room of 4 robots playing this like a string quartet. " film - another unusual track with the trademark digitalTRAFFIC sound represents the way we are getting into new media with youtube etc. visit www.digitaltraffic.band to play previews of all tracks from egg - you can also buy the tracks individually or as an album download. Thanks for taking the time to check out the digitalTRAFFIC sound - hope you enjoy the tracks..... regards digitalTRAFFIC---